
We specialize in accurate quantity take-offs, providing detailed matrix spreadsheets with the determined amount of all materials needed for the project by counting and measuring items from the construction documentation.


Commonly we finish 1 floor-type in less than 24 hours, the estimated delivery time for big projects is around a week per building. You can tell us what items are on the scope.


We will provide you with a detailed purchasing list with all the information about the item such as dimensions, materials, finishes, and quantity.


We will provide you with the custom matrix detailing the number of rooms, and the areas of every room, and the total where the scope of work was allocated.

Request a Quote.

You can contact us for a TakeOff quotation, all you need to have are the building plans & the scopes of products that you need, we will let you know the estimated price & delivery time within 24 hours.